New Member Welcome

Welcome to the Connecticut Board of Volleyball Officials (CBVO). The CBVO is the training and assigning board for high schools in the Litchfield, Hartford, Tolland, and part of New Haven counties. Before beginning the process of applying for membership, please read the following information.

The process starts with the application. Completing the application allows us to add to the email list that will help to keep you up to date. Applications received today will be saved and treated as an application for the 2025 season. As you read the information below, note: any reference to ‘1st year’ officials means the new class: YOU.


The CBVO looks forward to helping all interested parties become volleyball officials. Feel free to contact our training coordinator, Candy Perez, at, to answer any questions, or click on the links below to apply for membership.


  • A one-time training fee of $110 is required from trainees. This covers training expenses and a background check through the CIAC.
  • Yearly CBVO membership dues are $100, dues are payable after successful completion of the training course.
  • Mail all fees and background check authorization to:
    Jeff Brewer
    8 Caulkins Rd
    Norwich, CT 06360

General Information:

  • Most volleyball matches are played on weekdays, with some on Saturday. Weekday matches usually begin at 4pm, with some matches starting later. Officials need to arrive at the gym no later than 30 minutes before the match, so if you cannot get to school gyms by 3:30 (allow for driving time) you may not get scheduled for many matches.
  • Officials are required to buy their own uniforms and equipment.
  • Trainees are required to score 80% or better on an open book test to become CBVO officials. (Rules and case books are provided as part of yearly dues).
  • Typically, officials’ pay ranges from around $70 for a freshman match, to almost $140 for a JV & varsity doubleheader.


Training Dates (2025):

Trainee Overview & Orientation – with H. Kursman & J. Wildman

June 2025

Trainees will be informed on procedures and practices such as: Insurance, purchasing an official CBVO shirt, using the Arbiter system to submit your availability to our schedulers, getting paid, and paying assigner fees.  This session is an overview of officiating high school sports.  It is important that prospective officials attend this session prior to attending the CBVO Volleyball Officiating classes.

Classroom Sessions – TBA


On-court Sessions – TBA

On-court will be scheduled as one evening session per official per week, but we will make every effort to accommodate those with scheduling difficulties. Typically, new trainees will be scheduled on Monday and Tuesdays and 2nd and 3rd year officials will be scheduled on Mondays & Thursdays.  These dates are dependent on the determination of existing leagues, and we have no power to change the dates that they play. 


Mandatory Meetings:  The CT Board of Volleyball Officials has three mandatory meetings per year.  These dates for 2025 are potentially:

Tues. Aug. 26  – Pre-season Rules Interpretation Meeting – 6:30 pm – New Britain High School, Seminar Room

Sun. Sept. 28 – Mid-Season Meeting – Time and Location- TBA, 
Sun. Nov 16 – End-of-Season meeting – 4:30 pm – Elizabeth’s Restaurant, Cromwell, CT


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